Lincoln, Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Down Syndrome, and Dyslexia
Michelle Stennett
February 19, 2022
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan -- to achieve and cherish a lasting peace among ourselves and with the world, all nations."
--Abraham Lincoln
Each year the Senate has Lincoln Day on the floor. The program is put on by two Senators and often includes meaningful quotes shared by our pages, wonderful music from Idahoans, and important messages from those Senators.
This year, Senator Riggs delivered beautiful remarks about bettering ourselves by following the example President Lincoln set in his willingness to discuss, debate, and learn. You can read his remarks here or watch them here.
SCR117 recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Sawtooth National Recreation Act, which established the Sawtooth National Recreation Area consisting of 760,000 acres. This Act preserved the natural, scenic, historic, pastoral, and fish and wildlife values and enhances the recreation activities on an iconic Idaho landscape.
S1270 came out of the Senate Health and Welfare committee and provides that the Department of Health and Welfare will create an information sheet on Down syndrome. Health care practitioners will be required to give this information sheet to parents who are expecting a child with this condition.
In committee, we heard from parents who had not received adequate information when they first heard that the child they were expecting had Down syndrome. This information sheet will include contacts for Idaho and national organizations that can help parents find the support they need.
S1280 passed out of the Senate Education Committee and provides for screening and early assessment for dyslexia. It also would establish a list of evidence-based screening and intervention tools for school districts and charter schools to use and assure educators working with these students receive professional development and technical assistance in the best ways for serving these students.
We heard S1283 in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. This bill will allow for a higher rate of payment for ground emergency transportation--i.e., ambulances. The supplemental reimbursement would come from federal tax dollars and would help cover the true cost of EMS and particularly benefit rural areas with less access to emergency medical care. There would be no cost to local governments.
Please join Representatives Sally Toone, Ned Burns, and me for one of our zoom town hall meetings. We appreciate the opportunity to speak with and listen to our constituents.
· Register for the 6-7pm, February 22 meeting here:
· Register for the(;30-10:30pm, February 26 meeting here: