Stennett supports first responders | Seth Martin | Idaho Mountain Express
“Michelle Stennett has always served our community and our constitution with a fair and even hand, an ideal that speaks loud and clear to the majority of Idahoans. She stands up for each and every first responder in our state; for firefighters, law enforcement and EMS providers. Her competitor, Eric Parker, has literally aimed a weapon at law enforcement officers in a hostile situation. Michelle Stennett has fought hard for all our rights and freedoms while upholding her responsibilities to each and every one of us. Vote for Michelle Stennett for Idaho.”
Stennett represents us with honor | Lara McLean | Idaho Mountain Express
“Michelle Stennett has dedicated herself to serving the citizens of legislative District 26 without regard to political affiliation or party. She’s protected our rights, our interests and our quality of life and has fought hard for our free and rightful access to public lands, to provide our children with the best education possible and for health care for the most vulnerable among us. Whenever I’ve contacted her with a question about state issues she’s been responsive and straight with me. As a firefighter, I’ve seen her stand up time and again for all first responders. She always considers whether a law is compatible with our constitution and whether it will make life better for Idahoans before she’ll vote for it. Sen. Stennett serves each and every one of us with honor. Vote Stennett for Idaho.”
Stennett understands District 26 | Margaret Macdonald Stewart | Idaho Mountain Express
“Michelle Stennett has been a stellar representative for everyone in District 26 as our state senator for the past 10 years. Her knowledge on issues important to Idaho, especially in District 26, has made her a well-respected legislator on both sides of the aisle and someone who has a calm demeanor as she tirelessly works on our behalf. She is a law-abiding citizen with no intention of disrupting Idaho’s government or challenging law enforcement. Water is growing increasingly important in District 26. Michelle is an active participant in both local and regional water committees and works hard to insure everyone gets their fair share of this scarce resource. Water is our future and we need someone who knows and understands water issues, not someone who promises to learn about them. I’ve known Michelle for 30 years and invite everyone to join me in voting for someone who stands with District 26 residents to continue strengthening Idaho’s future. Michelle is that someone and the perfect candidate for state Senate, District 26.”
Stennett for Senate | Sarah Michael | Idaho Mountain Express
“I have known and worked with state Sen. Michelle Stennett for many years and fully endorse her re-election campaign. I recently moderated a debate between Sen. Stennett and her opponent during which Michelle, unlike her opponent, gave detailed answers on issues relating to property tax relief and other critical issues in District 26 such as quality jobs, education and protecting Idaho’s clean water, air and public access. Her positions are based upon research and experience. I know that she is in step with people in her district because she tirelessly travels throughout the area to meet with and listen to local groups, such as seniors, chambers of commerce and local officials. Her weekly legislative newsletter also keeps us informed of what is happening at the state Capitol. I honor Michelle for her dedication to public service, her thoughtfulness and hard work. We are lucky she represents us. So please join me in re-electing Michelle Stennett to the Idaho state Senate.”
Stennett’s record, work-ethic speaks for itself | Tory & Miles Canfield | Idaho Mountain Express
“As residents of Blaine County, we are extremely fortunate to be represented by Sen. Michelle Stennett. Her legislative record speaks for itself. Sen. Stennett votes to protect access to public lands and promote clean air and water. She also votes in favor of Idaho’s working class and supports creating economic opportunities for all Idahoans. In addition to her legislative priorities, Sen. Stennett is a sincere, hard-working and kind leader, dedicated to her constituents in Blaine County and throughout District 26. She listens intently and models the type of leadership that our communities need. Please join us in voting to re-elect Sen. Michelle Stennett.”
Toone, Davis and Stennett represent Idaho values | Marcee & Joel Graff | Idaho Mountain Express
“The coronavirus pandemic has shown how our communities can come together in a time of need, as we always have. During this pandemic, though, there are many additional issues needing to be addressed in our district and Idaho. Environmental neglect and natural disasters are hurting our local economy. Forest fires burn ever more frequently because of human-caused climate change. Much of our land is publicly owned, so taxpayers and Idahoans end up footing the bill that unregulated, carbon-producing industries create. Additionally, drought is on the rise, and much of Blaine County has already been declared under severe drought conditions this year. Another issue is income inequality. It is the worst it has been since the 1970s. The richest 20 percent have seen their incomes grow at over five times the rate of the poorest 20 percent. And what about education? Idaho students already score in the middle of the pack on standardized tests, with only 37 percent of our eighth-graders “proficient” on reading and math. This is the time to spend more on our kids, not less. Idaho already invests less money per student than almost every state in America.
We urge you to vote for Sen. Michelle Stennett and Reps. Sally Toone and Muffy Davis. They have been fighting the majority party on these issues for years. These women run as Democrats, but they are beholden to nobody but their constituents. We all want what is best for Idaho and our Idaho values. Vote Stennett, Toone and Davis on Nov. 3 (or sooner)!”