Opportunities for Education in the American Rescue Plan Act
Michelle Stennett
September 4, 2021
"The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools." ---Idaho State Constitution Article IX, Section 1.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides direct assistance to the American people and to States and local governments to help us recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Education is an important piece of this recovery. Idahoans know the importance of education, having enshrined it in our Constitution and ranking it repeatedly as a high priority issue in Boise State University annual public policy surveys.
Unfortunately, Idaho students' academic performance has declined during the pandemic, despite the best efforts of teachers, administrators, and staff. Educators have put in extraordinary effort to help our students continue to learn under these trying circumstances. It is important that we focus on solutions to reverse this slide and ensure that our children receive an excellent education in Idaho public schools.
ARPA provides funding to Idaho K-12 public schools. Twenty percent of this money must go to address learning loss. The remaining 80 percent can go to one of eighteen specified uses including things like mental health, education technology, and facility improvements to reduce risk of infection. The legislature appropriated over $400 million of this money in 2021 as one time funds, which means that to continue receiving ARPA dollars for education, the legislature will need to vote in favor of the money by midsession in 2022 to meet the federal criteria. It is crucial that the legislature act in a timely manner to ensure Idaho students can continue to benefit from these funds.