What matters to you?
Michelle Stennett
January 25. 2020
"As soon as any man says of the affairs of the State "What does it matter to me?" the State may be given up for lost."
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract
Idaho Public Policy Survey 2020
Boise State University has released the 2020 results of its invaluable annual survey on what Idahoans think about our state.
Education ranked very high as a priority and concern yet again. It took second place only to growth as the most important issue facing Idaho today. And 74.5 percent of Idahoans believe education is in the highest priority category for the legislature to address. It is very telling that only 3.6 percent of Idahoans think our K-12 public schools, as a whole, are excellent and only 8.6 percent believe that K-12 public schools in their school districts are excellent. This points to the ongoing need to focus our attention and resources on providing our children with all the opportunities and our communities with all the benefits that come with excellent public schools.
Idahoans are also concerned about growth, the economy and jobs, affordable housing, and health care. A majority of Idahoans, 56.6 percent believe the state is growing too fast, with much of that concern coming from those who live in the Treasure Valley. Idaho's growth comes with tremendous opportunities, but it also comes with the responsibility to plan for, and properly fund, infrastructure, housing, health care, education, and so on.
The Governor is manufacturing a fiscal crisis and under-funding public services and programs. An overwhelming majority of Idahoans disagree and are optimistic about our state's strong economy. Seventy-two percent think that Idaho's economy will either get better or stay the same over the next two years; 75 percent believe that the Idaho State budget should either be increased or stay the same. Idaho's industries are in dire need of tens of thousand of skilled workers in the work force. This is a time when we should be smartly investing in post-secondary education and certification to provide that work force and improve our economy for the long-haul.
A solid majority, 61.5 percent, favor giving every city in Idaho the ability to vote on a local option tax. And an overwhelming majority, 80.4 percent, believe that the current ballot initiative requirements are either too difficult or about right, signaling that Idahoans do not want the legislature to impede their constitutional rights to the initiative process. Idahoans value having a say about our government.
Upcoming District 26 Town Halls:
Please join us, learn what is happening, or potentially happening, and let us know your thoughts. Here is our schedule for the mid-session tour:
Ketchum: February 7th, 6:00-7:30pm, Ketchum City HallHailey: February 8th, 8:00-9:30am, Croy St. Exchange, 16 Croy StShoshone: February 8th, 10:30-11:30am, Community Center, 201 S Beverly STGooding: February 8th, 12:15-1:30pm, Zeppes, 215 Main STHagerman: February 8th, 3:00-4:30pm, Hagerman City HallFairfield: February 21st, 6:00-7:00pm, Senior Center, 129 Willow ST